Human Design Rebecca Wiley Human Design Rebecca Wiley

Human Design: Honoring Projectors

Projectors are our guides and leaders. That’s not to say that no other Human Design Type can be leaders. It’s just that Projectors have a distinct way of seeing the world around them. That gives them the capacity and the gifts to guide others towards our highest potential.

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Human Design Yasmine Robles Human Design Yasmine Robles

Human Design 101: Projectors

Today’s article will talk about the next Human Design Type: Projectors. I don’t love the traditional name “Projectors” because the word has a somewhat negative connotation in our lexicon. In Quantum Human Design, which is the version I study, we use the name “Orchestrators.” It's a much more positive and affirming moniker, and more accurate if you ask me.

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Human Design Yasmine Robles Human Design Yasmine Robles

Human Design 101: Manifestors

Manifestors represent approximately 9% of the population. Manifestors have a purpose to provide the spark of creation in the human story. They are designed to get things started by sharing their brilliant ideas, giving the Generator types something to respond to and work on. They lead change by inspiring people to act.

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Human Design Jill Robinson Human Design Jill Robinson

Human Design 101: Generator Types

Human Design types that make up approximately 70% of the population: Generators and Manifesting Generators. At the core, Generators and Manifesting Generators are similar, with both having consistent access to energy to do the work of the world. For this reason, I will cover these two types together in this article.

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Human Design Jill Robinson Human Design Jill Robinson

So What’s Human Design Anyway?

Understanding my unique energetic blueprint has allowed me to switch up the stories I have told myself about who I am. The positives stories show in my chart, but it’s the “negative” ones that have really been challenged. While I expect my conditioning to take a while to unwind, it’s a beautiful thing to discover that maybe those traits I carry aren’t bad after all, and better yet, maybe they serve a greater purpose in my life than I realized.

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