So What’s Human Design Anyway?

Human Design is modality that integrates the ancient modalities of Astrology, the Hindu chakras, Chinese I'Ching, and Kabbalah, providing each of us with a map of our energetic blue print. Similar to a personality test, Human Design gives you insight into your patterns, behaviors, and how you move through the world. The difference is rather than answering a series of questions, all you have to do is give your date, time, and location of birth to see yourself in a new light.

I started studying human design in 2020 after being guided to a reading with Elyse Preston (who is a lovely, sweet soul, btw - check her out!) When I started researching to learn more, I found Karen Curry Parker and loved her vibe. Her Quantum Human Design™ professional certification program was the perfect fit for me and so I jumped in and got Level 2 certified at the beginning of 2021.

Understanding my unique energetic blueprint has allowed me to switch up the stories I have told myself about who I am. The positives stories show in my chart, but it’s the “negative” ones that have really been challenged. While I expect my conditioning to take a while to unwind, it’s a beautiful thing to discover that maybe those traits I carry aren’t bad after all, and better yet, maybe they serve a greater purpose in my life than I realized.

My goal for every person I connect with is that they walk away from our sessions with an understanding of how special they are and concrete ways to live their lives with more ease and less self-judgment through alignment with their energetic blueprint. Seeing yourself in a new light from a deep soul-level perspective can help you confront conditioning that may be holding you back from living in the full expression of your awesomeness!

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


Human Design 101: Orientation

