Helping you bring your business vision to life.

Are you a leader with a vision of creating change in your business in a way that improves the experience for clients and employees alike?

Do you struggle to find the resources to help you bring your vision to life? 

If that’s true for you, know you aren’t alone. Many leaders want to create a positive impact in their workplace. They have brilliant ideas about how to make work better, easier, and less stressful for their people. But, we find ourselves in a unique moment in history where burnout rates are through the roof, employees are re-evaluating what’s important, and the resources of time, energy, and creativity are nearly tapped out. 

You may know the status quo isn’t working, and have the sincere desire to implement supportive changes, but understand you can’t do that work alone. You need support to bring your vision to life.

That’s where we come in!

SAS consultants bring a wide range of knowledge and lived experience across a number of industries.

We partner with businesses to provide:

  • documentation and SOP services

  • training programs

  • research projects

  • coaching and guidance services

  • administrative project management

Regardless of the industry or the work requested, elevating the human experience in the workplace is at the root of all that we do. 

There are lots of ways to fulfill gaps in resources. You could ask your teams to give more. You could hire more people, either permanently or temporarily. So why would you want to work with SAS? 

We’re glad you asked! 

  • • Partnerships that provide equal value to both our clients and our consultant partners

    • Partnerships that provide sustainable wages

    • Partnerships that honor unique and individual needs

    • Partnerships that embody possibility and challenge the status quo

  • • Your ability to thrive is connected to mine

    • Your state of being influences mine and my state of being influences yours

    • Supporting individual needs supports the collective

    • Community is key to survival – no one can do this thing called life alone

  • • Every person has special talents, unique perspectives, and gifts to share

    • Every person is worthy and valuable simply by existing

    • Every person deserves to be accepted in their authentic expression

    • Every person deserves to experience ease in their daily life

At SAS, we believe that by honoring our own unique talents, energy levels, and perspectives, we show up as our best selves.

We challenge the “Work More, Do More” status quo by working sustainably. Because of our commitment to sustainability, we show up excited and engaged for all of our projects. 

Our excitement, creativity, and efficiency is contagious. When we engage with our partners, they know that we will bring fresh perspectives, ideas, and energy to every project we touch.  Our unique approach to work allows us to make significant progress on our client’s goals quickly. Our clients are often amazed at just how much we accomplish in our time together. 

We want to collaborate with leaders who are invested in creating a compassionate and sustainable work environment where they are. Whether you’re a small business owner, or a leader in a large corporation, we’ll work with you to provide our services within your budget. 

We’d love to chat with you about how we can support your business needs. To learn more about working with SAS in a business consulting capacity, or to receive a custom proposal for services, click the link below to set up an exploratory conversation.

“SAS has been a tremendous help in creating much needed SOP resources for our client-facing team.

These kinds of resources make our jobs easier and help our team deliver a top-tier client experience. When we first connected with SAS, we had an idea what was required to improve our existing documentation and create new documentation that would bring clarity to a team that was craving structure and direction, but we were frozen. With all the other priorities, it was hard to find the time to move the project forward or even settle on a starting point. SAS not only jumped in and made a big impact in a short period of time, they maintained a calm presence throughout while creating, updating and organizing quality SOP content and corresponding training materials (written and pre-recorded audio/video) for our team. They’ve been open to taking on new projects and flexible in shifting priorities. It’s a relief to know that progress is being made on these important initiatives and we cannot thank SAS enough for giving our team the win they needed at a critical time. Thank you SAS for all you do!”

Renee Quezada, SVP of Integrated Services

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