
Soul Aligned Sisters! Soul Aligned Sisters has been a project in the making for 40 years. Becky & Jill are sisters, best friends, and spiritual explorers searching for what it means to live in alignment with their soul and life purposes. Whether it's Human Design, guidance and support, or activism and mutual aid, the Sisters ground their spirituality in the material world with a vision of the future where all oppressed peoples are liberated and free to live authentically and out-loud.

The free spirit older sister is the sum of who Becky is. Forever fascinated at what is beyond our vision, Becky has spent the bulk of her life knowing that she’s been here before and that there is a purpose to it all. Becky has studied genealogy and history and is convinced the answers to our trauma can be found in unlocking the divine universe within. As a human, she is designed and gifted with the 4 Clairs and understands the power that she can tap into. Becky provides intuitive guidance and coaches others to believe in their power and ability to heal themselves using self love and care. She is on a journey to uncover her gifts and to discover how to best apply those in the most grounded way possible. Becky provides Oracle card and channeled messages to accompany most Human Design readings received from the Soul Aligned Sister team. When she’s not doing woo things, find her watching thought expanding documentaries, meditating outside, or truly sinking into the human experience.

Jill is a spirit in a human body that is deeply connected to the earth and the earth’s people. She cares deeply about humanity and that shows up in her connections with others. She fights for an improved existence for those suffering from external and internal oppression. She wants each person to have the freedom and the capacity to live a life on their own terms in a way that uplifts and empowers themselves and the people around them. Because she is rooted in the earth, her work is in her community. She has a hopeful vision of the future for the earth and humanity, but knows that the vision cannot come alive through meditation and prayer alone. Action is required. And she’s about the action. She’s learning that her life experiences are about finding her people - that’s where the magic happens! Like everyone else, Jill is blessed with a connection to source and a deep reservoir of knowledge spanning lifetimes. In sharing who she is authentically, she inspires others to do their own work to uncover their own special and unique gifts and to flip the script on narratives in their lives that hold them back. We are all works in progress, but we don’t do it alone. We need to care for each other. Jill provides Human Design chart readings and guidance to Soul Aligned Sisters clients.

Becky and Jill look forward to connecting with you!

Yasmine Robles

With over 12 years of design experience, my passion lies in helping you attract dream clients. How? I take what makes you fab, mix it with strategy, and add a healthy spoonful of sarcasm. My go-to when not plotting my world domination? Tacos, tequila, and Latin dancing.

So What’s Human Design Anyway?