Human Design: Aligning Work with Right Timing and Energy

Does work ever feel like you’re pushing a boulder up a hill?

Beyond the insights that you can gain about who you are and what patterns may show up in your life, Human Design provides us with a roadmap for sustainable creation.

The idea of creation is all encompassing. It’s not just about bringing a big idea into being. It's also the small ideas, the small steps to evolve a thing, no matter what that thing is. We are constantly in a state of creation. Every time a client asks for something, you are creating. Every time a colleague wants to improve a process, you are creating.

Human Design offers us a new way to consider the creation process. We are often pushing forward, without respect to whether timing is right, or the idea is right. There is an energy within the corporate structure that wants to evolve and make progress at all times. Change is a constant. And it can be exhausting.

In the Human Design system, timing is everything. And the way we understand right timing in the creation process is through our own internal sense of Yes and No. Not all ideas are the right ideas. Not all ideas are meant to come into being right now. And only a few of us are designed to jump into action without waiting.

When we let an idea simmer until the timing is right, we are conserving our energy. When we dial back proactiveness in order to respond to what life, or our customers, are bringing us, we are conserving our energy. When we listen to our Yes and No, we are conserving our energy.

When we conserve our energy, we are more sustainable. And when we’re more sustainable, we have all the energy in the world for the RIGHT things, rather than putting partial energy towards all the things until our energy tank is empty.

Our strategy and authority in Human Design is the instruction manual we didn’t know we needed. It’s not meant to just be a theory - it’s meant to be practiced. Through trial, we learn how it works for us. We learn how to trust ourselves and our bodies to guide us to the right ideas and the right timing. And we start to gain confidence in honoring our Yes and our No.

As we become more deliberate about where we put our work energy, we learn how to work sustainably, which, in turn, brings sustainability to the people around us.

I’m wondering, where are you pushing when you could be waiting? When are you saying YES when you mean NO? Are there ideas or projects that should be put on the shelf for now or forever?

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


Human Design: Discovering Your YES and NO


Human Design: Unlocking New Potentials