Human Design: Unlocking New Potentials

As humans, we are highly skilled at detecting patterns. It's helped us survive and evolve over hundreds of thousands of years. We're so good at it, in fact, sometimes we can detect patterns where there are none!

This ability is an important part of our logical thinking mind. It allows us to take stock of our surroundings, whether they be physical or mental, and figure out what to do next. It helps us to move forward, hopefully in the direction we want to go.

Sometimes though, those same patterns can keep us locked into a mindset that's limited with limited solutions. We think we know the answer based on all available information, but the truth is.... we're just guessing.

It may be an educated guess and one that's based on lived experience. But until we actually do the thing, we can't know if the "answer" is the actual answer.

In the Human Design chart, answers are borne out over time. We know what's true after we experiment. And until we experiment, what we really have is an opinion.

This week, I'd like for you to contemplate:

~ Where am I holding tightly to an answer or solution that's still an unproven opinion?

~ How can I expand my ideas and opinions about possible solutions to make room for even greater potentials?

~ Where am I stuck searching for the answers when I really need to test out my opinions to find the answer I'm seeking?

Timing is everything in the Human Design chart, so remember that your opinions and potential solutions will be best received when requested first. 💖

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


Human Design: Aligning Work with Right Timing and Energy


Human Design & Self-Awareness: Why it’s a Game-Changer!