Human Design & Self-Awareness: Why it’s a Game-Changer!

I had a chance recently to introduce someone to Human Design and their reaction was classic. It went something like..."Well... this is actually REAL..." Yeah, it really is!

Nearly every client I work with is new to Human Design. Maybe they've heard of it, maybe not. But in general, they are open-minded and curious. That's all I need, because the system speaks for itself.

Human Design is probably the most effective self-awareness tool out there right now. (Okay, I know, I'm biased!) I've tried a lot of tools and taken a lot of tests to deepen my understanding of myself and how I show up in the world. None of those have done what Human Design has done for me.

What’s so great about it?

~ It's all encompassing. Whatever insights you are seeking are available to you, whether that be career, relationships, parenting, wellness, or something else. The themes, personality traits, and ways of being show up no matter the area of life.

~ It's practical. Human Design is a system. You can learn about your chart for funsies if you want, but the insights are meant to be put into practice in the real world. And there are instructions for doing so.

~ It's empowering. People who learn about their design often experience a shift in their perspective about themselves and what they have to offer the world. They begin to lean in on what's great about them and feel more comfortable showing up authentically.

Human Design uses only your date, time, and location of birth to generate your unique chart. It's a synthesis of Astrology, the Hindu Chakra system, the Chinese iChing, and Judaic Kabbalah. (More on this topic later.) The system doesn't need you to answer any questions to know about you.

Okay, I realize this is a bit different for some folks...

Maybe there are some preconceived notions about what counts as "legitimate" or "real." We are heavily tilted towards logic and reasoning, and if science can't prove it, then we're told it's not true. (BTW there is a lot science doesn’t understand and can’t prove…yet.)

But that's not what we are doing here. We don't need to "prove" anything. This is about your own self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love. It’s not some science experiment. You decide what's true for you and what, if anything, you want to do about that new awareness. I’m just here to present some new perspectives and ideas you can take or leave.

I'm here to remind you how special, gifted, and important you are!

If you're looking for something that can help you better understand who you are, how you operate, and support you in finding your authentic expression, Human Design is for you.

Follow along here on LinkedIn, or DM me to get your free chart to start your exploration.

Yours in solidarity,


P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


Human Design: Unlocking New Potentials


Human Design: Honoring Generators