Human Design: Honoring Generators

In the Human Design system, Generators are the engine that moves us forward as a collective. Generator types make up 70% of the population, with ~37% specified as Generators and ~33% specified as Manifesting Generators. Through their movement, they set the pace for creating and making progress. They demonstrate what it means to show up, be committed, persevere, and develop mastery. It doesn't matter what Generators are doing - it’s the way they do it that serves their purpose in the world.

While Generators have the ability to draw on what seems like an endless supply of energy to do work, like everyone else, they are susceptible to burn out. Burnout most frequently shows up for Generator types when they are in misaligned work, when they are overworking, or when they are forcing and pushing rather than waiting for right timing. They can keep going, keep showing up, keep getting things done, but it comes at a cost to their physical and emotional wellbeing over time.

Generators are their most powerful when they are using their energy on something they are passionate about. When they are in work or play that lights them up, their doing energy surges and progress comes more fluidly. Ultimately, they are seeking the feeling of satisfaction in their work, and nothing brings that more easily than doing what they love.

Our Generators are the backbone of our collective and responsible for building the world we dreaming of. Generators hold the power to set the pace of progress and can show all us how how we can be more sustainable. But we have to allow them to do so, which means helping them to see and honor their own needs and learn how to operate in a more sustainable way. Here are some ways we all can help:

  1. Give them breaks from doing: Generators have a lot of doing energy and generally can keep showing up and putting in work day after day. But that’s not a sustainable way to use their energy. We have to give them space to sit, rest, and dream. That, too, is productive.

  2. Don’t knock the hustle: Generators take great pride in their work. How they show up and put in the effort is part of their purpose, which means that poorly timed or unwanted feedback can be taken personally. Constructive feedback is important, but try to avoid micromanaging their work. If anyone knows how to get the job done, it’s Generators. Trust them.

  3. Ask for their help: Generators are designed to respond to opportunities and offers to use their doing energy. They want to help you make progress. When we show them we value what they have to offer by asking for their help, they feel seen and on purpose.

  4. Give them a chance to do what they love: Generators are their most powerful when they are doing something that feels good to them. And when they feel fulfilled in work, their energy surges. We can help them recover from burnout and mitigate the effects of misaligned work by giving them projects that they really enjoy. It makes everything else more tolerable.

  5. Let them say NO: This is a big one. Generators often want to be making progress, but they shouldn’t be forced to do it all. If we want to learn about using our work energy sustainably, we have to honor our Generators when they say no. When we allow them to engage in the right work (their YESes) they use their energy in a way that’s regenerative instead of depleting. When they want to say NO, but can’t, everything gets harder, leading them down the path to burnout. And that’s bad for everyone.

If you love a Generator, then try out some of these tips to make them feel really good about who they are. And if you’re a Generator, remember how powerful you are! You deserve to feel good about what you contribute to the world, so stand up and be counted. We can’t do this without you!

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


Human Design & Self-Awareness: Why it’s a Game-Changer!


Human Design: Honoring Manifesting Generators