Human Design: Honoring Manifesting Generators

In the Human Design system, Manifesting Generators are here to help us bring inspiration into form and do the work of building our creations. They are a combination of two Human Design types - Manifestors and Generators. They are gifted with lots of ideas and the energy to make it happen.

When Manifesting Generators are living true to themselves and their energy, they are incredibly powerful beings. People notice them, and notice when they’ve disappeared. Whether they know it or not, they have a big impact on the people around them. Because of that, we always tell our Manifesting Generators to let people know what they are goint to do before they do it. It’s not asking for permission - it’s about clearing resistance and letting others know where they fit into the plan.

Manifesting Generators have this incredible ability to tap into their creativity and then actually do the thing they are thinking of. And they do it with unmatched speed. They work much faster than everyone else, which often leaves them wondering what’s wrong with people. The truth is, though, other people can’t keep up. One of the ways they are able to move so quickly is they are naturally designed to skip steps. They will always be looking for the fastest way to do something, and evaluating whether all the steps need to be followed or not. They will miss things even when they are trying to pay attention to detail. It’s just how they're wired.

Our Manifesting Generators help us to bridge the gap between creative ideas and making it happen. They really don’t need others to get the job done, but that can leave them overwhelmed and overburdened. And with strong energy to do the work, they tend to push themselves too hard to the point of exhaustion and burnout.

Like everyone else, Manifesting Generators need love and support to be in balance, so here are a few ways we can honor them for who they are and help them to be their most powerful selves:

  1. Encourage restoration: With a seemingly endless energy tank, Manifesting Generators need to be encouraged to take good care of themselves. Because they are often in motion, rest and stillness might not feel right for them. Instead, remind them that restoration can come in many forms, such as exercise, hiking, or some other type of movement. Encourage them to figure out what activity feels restorative and help them make space for it.

  2. Engage their passions: If you really want to tap into the power of the Manifesting Generator energy, give them something to do that they feel passionate about. They can do a lot of things, but they will feel deeply satisfied using their energy on something that lights them up. If you don’t know what they love to do, ask them, and then help them find opportunities to do those things as often as they can. Trust me, that’s a WIN for everyone.

  3. Give them space to change: Manifesting Generators are designed to be doing multiple things at once and have multiple interests to pursue. From an outside perspective, they may seem like they can’t decide what they are interested in or are “all over the place.” That’s what's correct for their unique energy. Give them the space to move around and change their minds about what they want to do. Just go along for the ride!

  4. Let them quit: Relatedly, we have to allow our Manifesting Generators to quit when they are ready. Not everything they do is meant to be finished. Sometimes they are just using up their energy. The old adage “finish what you start” isn’t right for them and when we force them to stay in something all the way to the end, we separate them from their creative power and shut down their natural energy flow. Now, they do have to be sure it’s time to quit, and they should follow their Human Design Strategy & Authority to figure that out. But let’s not shame them for not finishing when it’s time for them to walk away.

  5. Don’t overload them: Manifesting Generators are likely to be considered an “A Player” or one of the strongest team members, simply because they can produce a lot in a short period of time, which is considered valuable in a work context. When they finish before everyone else, they are often rewarded with more work. And because it’s likely faster for them to do the job themselves, they may have trouble sharing work or delegating. That’s one big factor in Manifesting Generator burn out. We can help them stay healthy by being mindful of how much work they have, regardless of how quickly they breeze through it.

If you love a Manifesting Generator, then try out some of these tips to make them feel really good about who they are. And if you’re a Manifesting Generator, remember you don’t have to do it all alone. There are people who love you and want to help - just tell us what to do!

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


Human Design: Honoring Generators


Human Design: Honoring Manifestors