Human Design: Honoring Manifestors

In the Human Design system, Manifestors serve as the spark that gets us all moving. They are the only Human Design Type out of the five that are designed to initiate action without waiting for something else outside of them to signal its time to go. Right timing is based on their internal guidance, rather than external guidance like it is for 91% of the population. They don’t need anyone’s permission except their own to put their ideas into action.

And boy do they have ideas! They have more ideas than they know what to do with! The trick for Manifestors is to know that not every idea they have is theirs to create. Sometimes those ideas are meant for others. That means that they will have to feel comfortable sharing their ideas with others, even when they haven’t necessarily been asked. It’s important for them to release expectations about whether their ideas come into being and in what form. It’s hard, but necessary, if they want to stay connected to their creative power.

Feeling a deep connection to their creativity is essential for Manifestors. Unfortunately, many have been told to shrink themselves to fit it. They will often carry wounding into adulthood from being told they are “too much” or “too big” or “too wild/loud/out of control.” Do they sometimes make people uncomfortable? Sure and that’s normal and perfectly correct! There’s nothing wrong here.

Remember, Manifestors are designed to SPARK us into action, whether we like it or not. But when we try to control them or tell them how to be, we take their power and shut down their creative expression. I don’t know about you, but when I look around, I kinda think we need as many creative ideas as we can get these days.

If we want to honor our Manifestors, which is what everyone deserves, there are some things we can do to make them feel good about who they are.

  1. Be flexible with them. Manifestors need maximum flexibility to follow their creative pulses when the mood strikes them. In a work context, that might look like a flexible schedule with plenty of open windows of time. In a personal context, It might look like allowing for more spontaneity rather than having everything planned out. When we give them space, we let them tune into their creative flow, which is ultimately good for all of us.

  2. Ask for their ideas. They’ve got ideas in spades. Maybe they are great about sharing them, and maybe not so much. We honor our Manifestors when we recognize them for their inherent creativity and ask them to give us suggestions on what to do next. We don’t always have to do their ideas, but we should make a habit of asking, because they are likely thinking of something we’ve not thought of before.

  3. Give them space for creativity. Creativity can look like a lot of things and your Manifestor may have a certain way they like to be creative. If they aren’t connected to their creativity, then help them create space for it. It could be as simple as a 15 minute doodle break, or encouraging a new creative hobby. Creativity in the form of art often feels restorative for Manifestors. Help them tune into that.

  4. Don’t take the ghosting personal. So the thing about having an internal, non-verbal creative flow is that it often feels urgent and it doesn’t come with any words. From the outside, this can look like your Manifestor no longer responding to texts when you were in the middle of a conversation. Or maybe a work task has gone unfinished because they moved their focus somewhere else when the pulse hit them. This is not personal! It can absolutely feel personal. The best thing you can do is to remind your Manifestor to tell people who will be impacted before they switch gears. And then forgive them for going MIA.

  5. Let them be BIG. What is so fascinating about being connected to Manifestors is it comes with this desire to control them. They are POWERFUL and we feel their energy. We are pushed and poked just being around them. It’s important to know this so we don’t think they are doing something wrong when they are really just being themselves. Help them understand their power and how it affects people, but don’t make them shrink. Just hold on and enjoy the ride!

If you love a Manifestor, then try out some of these tips to help them feel good in their own skin. And if you’re a Manifestor, REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE and don’t apologize for it! We need you to be YOU now more than ever.

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


Human Design: Honoring Manifesting Generators


Human Design: Honoring Projectors