Learn how to say “No” using Human Design
No is a full sentence - Human Design can help you say it!
Career Markers in the Human Design Chart
Human Design can be helpful in understanding how you show up at work and what type of work may be best for you.
Finding Belonging
It doesn't matter who you are or what your social status is - all of us are seeking a sense of belonging in some way. I think this might be one of our collective core wounds.
Pod &Vodcast Corner
Check out our YouTube Channel, along with other podcasts we’ve been featured on!
Finding Your Power
I recently started some contract work, and I was shocked at how quickly the way I used to work showed back up...
Human Design: Discovering Your Purpose via Your Line Profile
When I talk with clients about their career, they are often interested in what type of career would be best for them according to their human design.
Human Design: Burnout in Your Chart
At a fundamental level, Human Design tells us how our energy most naturally moves. The insights the chart offers can be particularly helpful in understanding what may be fueling your burn out.
Human Design: Unlocking Your Leadership Potential
Let’s talk about Leadership and where it shows up in your Human Design Chart!
Human Design: Aligning Work with Right Timing and Energy
Beyond the insights that you can gain about who you are and what patterns may show up in your life, Human Design provides us with a roadmap for sustainable creation.