Career Change Management

We know a lot of people take the opportunity at the New Year to re-evaluate what's working and what's not, including jobs. January often brings us a spark of energy to make change and we can choose to tap into it to initiate changes in our own lives.

If you are one of the folks thinking about making a job change, Becky and I have some suggestions for finding your way into the right work for you:

(These aren't in any order, but #1 is definitely top priority!)

1. Take a break to recover & restore. For however long you can swing it financially, give yourself a break from working. Sleep. Take up a new hobby. Go for long walks in nature. Whatever feels good and restorative to you. Truly, this is a must. Whatever you do, don't go from one job on Friday to a new one on Monday. Your mind and body need to decompress and reset so you can go into the next job feeling good and ready.

2. Ask your people for support. The people who love you want to help you. If there is something you need to help you make the career change, don't be afraid to voice it. You don't have to do this alone. This includes financial help if that's what's needed.

3. Share with others what you want to do next. You don't have to have the ideas baked out. You can really just talk to people about what you are thinking. This is especially true if you are making a big change in direction. Talking about it with others can help clarify ideas and make new connections.

4. Follow your excitement. Don't have any work excitement? Go back to #1 above ⬆ - rest is essential to tapping into your creativity and passion. When you feel excitement about something, it's a signal to you that you are heading in the right direction. If the thought of it makes you sick, that's also a signal...

5. Use your imagination and DREAM BIG. Don't let what you've done before make you feel like that's all you can do. You are a multi-faceted, multi-talented person. In career speak - your skills are transferrable. But more than that, the dreams you have for yourself are there for a reason. It means it's possible for you! If you are ready to make a career change, there is no better moment to pull all the way back and reconnect with the biggest, most expansive work vision you have for yourself. If you don't have a vision, think about what you want work to FEEL like and focus on that.

If you need some help to find clarity about how you can make a career change and get into something that fits you better, reach out. We can help!

Happy Job Hunting!

P.S. Explore our coaching programs and workshops here!


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