Decoding Your Human Design Chart

If you're new to the HD system, looking at your chart can feel a little overwhelming. There are so many layers that it can be hard to know where to start or even what it all means. So let's quickly run through the major design elements:

Type: Type is the foundation of the system. It tells us how our energy most natural operates. It informs all other aspects of the chart. It's the role we are playing here on the planet.

Emotional Themes: Emotional themes tell us what emotions we may experience based on our Type, which signals whether we are living true to it or not. It's a guardrail to help us see where shifts might improve our experiences.

Strategy & Authority: These two are separate but intimately related. They go hand in hand, helping us to know how to best make decisions and how to tune into right timing. Strategy flows from Type, as each type has a specific Strategy, which tells us how to engage in the world. Authority helps us to understand our Yes and No. For most people, Authority is a body knowing, rather than a brain knowing.

Profile: We talk about Profile as Soul Purpose and Life Purpose, but we aren't talking about what you are here to do. Profile tells us about your personality traits and characteristics, and in that way, purpose is how you BE. It shows up in every area of life. It can be about your own development and learning or relationship oriented, or both!

Incarnation Cross: This is the overarching life purpose or life theme. It's a synthesis of the top 4 numbers in the chart (top 2 on each side, aka Sun and Earth). This theme is happening automatically whether you know it or not - there's nothing you need to do to make it happen, although it might be more powerful when you are living in alignment with your design. Different experts interpret the energy differently, so if you find an interpretation doesn't resonate, keep looking.

These major elements will give you a lot of information about how to best use your energy and how to find the gifts you are here to share with the world.

Beyond these, you can dig into centers (the 9 squares, triangles & diamond), or Channels (the 36 lines connecting centers) or Gates (the 64 numbers within the Centers) to get more nuanced themes and repeating patterns.

But you don't have to do all of that.

If you are just starting to explore, start with Type, Strategy, & Authority. Those 3 aspects make everything else work in the chart.

Or, you can follow the breadcrumbs. What sticks out to you? What are your light bulb moments? What themes or experiences are you having that remind you about something in the chart you've learned? There's something there for you.

However you choose to engage, don't pressure yourself to understand it all. Human Design is about ease and flow - so let it come to you and trust that you'll know where to take your journey of discovery next!

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


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