In search of aligned work…

The job market is kinda weird right now. Some people are searching for a new job for months, and some who are hiring cannot seem to fill open positions. This misalignment is leading to a lot of discomfort for a lot of people.

I see the stories of people applying for hundreds, and in some cases, thousands of jobs. Thousands! The process must be absolutely exhausting. Looking for a job is, itself, a full time job, but instead of a paycheck, you get rejection. I can’t imagine how tough it must be to keep up the search.

For the exhausted souls out there, I want you to know it’s okay to take a break and recalibrate.

Listen, you have to do what you feel is best for you. If applying to as many jobs as possible helps you to cope with the uncertainty of unemployment, I support you. What’s most important is how you feel. You know what you need better than me or anyone else.

I know though, for some of you, the job search process is more painful than the uncertainty. You’re tired, stressed, and are not getting the results you want.

I invite you to pause and recalibrate.

Take a break from searching and applying. Just for a moment, focus your energy on what will make you feel good - what might boost your spirits.

When you're ready, bring your attention and focus to what makes you special and what you want to contribute to the world.

This, too, is part of the job search. I refer to it as inner alignment.


💡What are the skills you’ve been learning and refining your entire life?

💡When do you feel most in tune and at ease in your work?

💡What would it FEEL like to find a job that honors you for all you have to offer? (really feel it! let the feelings come to the surface!)

The outer alignment - finding postings, submitting applications, doing interviews - is important, but the first step is to align internally to purpose, passion, and gifts. I use this process to help my clients find the next right job for them.

And it works.

While the outcomes seem to surpass expectations, I’m more concerned with how people feel. Refocusing on their dreams and what makes them special is empowering. That changes their experience, not only of where they are, but also in how they show up in the job search process.

Lucky for me, I have this really cool tool called Human Design that helps me know what makes my clients special. This gives them a chance to see themselves in a new light. It’s affirming and validating.

We can’t control any outcomes, but we can control how we experience where we're at right now. I want that to be as empowering for you as it can be.

So if my suggestion to pause and recalibrate speaks to you, this is your permission slip.

Wishing you much ease and success in your job search!

P.S. Explore our coaching programs and workshops here!


Human Design: Burnout in Your Chart


Human Design: Timing