Human Design: Burnout in Your Chart

At a fundamental level, Human Design tells us how our energy most naturally moves. The insights the chart offers can be particularly helpful in understanding what may be fueling your burn out.

Like all things, there's never just one factor at play. But having some awareness around patterns of behavior that may be contributing gives you something to pay closer attention to. A place to interrupt a way of being that's not serving your wellbeing.

But also know this - burnout is not your fault. When nearly 100% of people have or will experience burnout, that's a system issue, not a personal issue.

Take a look at your chart and see what jumps out for you in the bullets below:

💣 If you have an open (white) Sacral Center, then you don't have consistent access to your own work force energy. That means you aren't designed to keep up the same pace as 70% of the population. You'll need more rest and less doing. It can be hard though to know when to stop, especially when you are working with people sharing that energy with you. It's important to listen to your body about when to rest, honor it, and not judge yourself for it.

💣If you have an open (white) Root Center, then you will be feeling pressure to work and complete all the things on your to-do list. You may even feel pressure from others when they don't mean to apply pressure. Know that it's okay to stop when you are ready. The work will be there later. It always is.

💣If you have an open (white) Will Center, then you may struggle at times with feeling like you need to prove yourself. That may mean doing more work, putting in extra hours, "paying your dues." Most people feel this way sometimes, but it's important to notice when it's pushing you beyond your limits. Remember, you are valuable just because you exist. 💚

💣If you have a defined (colored in) Will Center, then you have good and consistent access to your own will power. That's great, until it's causing you to push yourself even when you are exhausted and need a break. You can summon the energy to continue, but it's not sustainable. Notice when you are operating on will power alone, and take that as a cue to rest.

💣If you have an open (white) Emotional Solar Plexus, then you are an empath - feeling the feelings of the people around you. In situations where saying NO will cause upset or anger with others, you may be more inclined to say YES just to avoid the emotional blowback. People pleasing is a pathway to burn out. Listen to yourself as often as you can when it feels safe for you to do so. It's not your job to manage other's emotions. You'll feel them, but you don't have to hold onto them.

Whether you have these configurations or not, paying attention to the patterns of behavior I mentioned here can help you tune into where you may be able to shift somethings to cultivate more wellbeing.

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


Human Design: Intuition in the Chart


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