Human Design: Intuition in the Chart

We’ve been conditioned over hundreds of years to believe our intuitive knowing is not a valid way of knowing. This conditioning has resulted in many of us discounting or even suppressing our intuitive pulses. But knowing without “proof” is part of the creation process and always has been. Logic often catches up after the fact.

If our Human Design is our energetic blueprint, then intuitive gifts, like other themes and patterns, appear within the chart. There are many markers for intuition in the chart, and I’m covering just a select few here.

✨ Gate 57: This is the most intuitive gate in the Human Design Chart. It’s psychic in nature, allowing those with it defined to more easily see the truth in the moment. It can certainly be crystal ball style, or it can simply be a knowing that people attribute to perceptiveness without any connection to a sense of psychic ability.

✨ Gate 12: This gate is the gate of the channel. It can be experienced as a literal channel for a higher dimensional source. But more often, it’s experienced as just being able to say the exact right thing at the exact right moment in a way that deeply impacts someone.

✨ Gate 44: Intuitive smelling appears in Gate 44 as an intuitive gift. It can be experienced as psychically smelling scents. Most often though, it’s experienced as sensing truth through smell, e.g. “this situation smells fishy.”

✨ Gate 25: This gate holds the archetype of the shaman. It’s all about universal love and healing through spreading love. Those with this gate defined in their chart may have the ability to do hands-on healing, such as reiki, massage, craniosacral therapy, etc, or develop medical intuitive abilities.

Intuition is not reserved for just the special few among us.

Intuition is our birthright.

Some of us may just need to work a little harder to uncover and tune into what it has to share with us.

The biggest hack to developing your intuition is listening and trusting yourself. Simple, but not always easy. With some focus and attention, you’ll find it’s been alive inside you all along.

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


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