Human Design: Timing

Timing is everything in the Human Design Chart.

At a very fundamental level, Human Design asks us to pause and tune into whether NOW is the right moment to share an insight, bring an idea into being, or start taking action.

Human Design offers us a way into the natural flow of life, where we can operate more sustainably and have the kind of impact we really want to have. Right timing is not always right now. And sometimes it's never.

Understanding right timing can be tricky, especially in cultures where urgency and NOW is the standard. Here are some things to watch out for that may signal the timing is off:

⏰ You aren't able to articulate your idea clearly / nobody gets it
⏰ No one has asked for you to share your idea (or you haven't asked if you may share)
⏰ You feel ignored or unheard
⏰ No idea feels like the right idea
⏰ Something you're doing is taking longer than it should
⏰ Your path forward is blocked by external circumstances

Because there is no aspect of the chart that operates in a vacuum, all of the things listed above can be experienced for reasons other than right timing. What you can do is notice when something like the above is coming up for you and interrogate what might be at the root of it.

The first question should be "Is the timing right for this or do I need to pause?" This is an intuitive, body knowing question rather than a brain assessment. The brain may say that you must do it now, but the body will sense what is actually right for you.

I experience this with writing posts. I may have an idea, but have trouble finding the right words, which looks like taking a long time to write it, doing lots of editing, and staring at the screen. Whenever this happens, I know I need to walk away and come back to it. When the moment is right, the words flow much more easily, and I get through it much faster.

Human Design is about experimenting and figuring out how it works for you. So there's no wrong way. It's just that when we aren't tuned into right timing, things can feel harder. So maybe just start thinking about this and experimenting when you can to see how it impacts you.

Wishing you an easeful day! 💚

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


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