Human Design: Unlocking Your Leadership Potential

One of the big themes coming up this week in my client sessions is related to leadership. So let’s chat about where leadership shows up in the Human Design Chart.

First, let me remind you that, as my teacher Karen Curry Parker says, “We all have all of the chart.” Definition - whether something is colored in or white on your chart - just tells us how you experience the energy. When it’s colored in, you experience the theme more consistently and share it with others. When it’s white, you experience the energy through your relationships in a varied way.

We are all born leaders. Leadership is inherent to the human experience. The Human Design chart just helps us dial in on what makes our leadership special and unique.

Let’s take a look at just a few leadership markers in the Human Design chart:

-- Channel 7/31: In the highest expression, leadership in this channel is democratic in nature. People with definition here are often chosen from among the group to lead. With Gate 7 coming from the Identity Center, it’s empathetic and heart-centered. It’s collaborative, wise, and focused on doing what’s best for all involved.

-- Channel 21/45: In this channel, leadership is about how we generate and share resources for the good of the group. In its highest expression, it’s equitable, peaceful, and sustainable. Here, Gate 21 represents the “Treasurer” who manages the money, and Gate 45 represents the "Queen/King" who allocates the resources. Leadership in this channel comes naturally and effortlessly.

-- Channel 34/20: The archetypal energy of the Manifesting Generator is contained in this channel. In its highest expression, it’s responsive in nature, waiting for right timing to take the lead. It’s extremely powerful energy that supports unifying people around transformative ideas and doing the leg work to be ready when the right moment strikes.

-- 6th Line Profile: The 6th line profile is referred to as The Role Model in traditional Human Design. 6th Lines lead through example. It’s not about what they do, it’s about how they show up in the world. They may be reluctant to serve as anyone’s role model, but it’s happening whether they like it or not!

-- Orchestrator / Projector Types: All types lead in their own way, but Orchestrators/Projectors have a purpose to guide and lead us to build the world they know is possible for us. Whether they find themselves in traditional leadership roles or not, they are leading someone in some way.

We are moving into an era where leadership will be more empathetic, compassionate, and human-centered. Often, it’s people who are uniquely designed to lead in this way that are shying away from being the leader they came to be. That’s not their fault - they just don’t resonate with how leadership is currently done and we don’t support them in the way they need.

To those of you who know this is how you lead, I want to gently encourage you to step into your power now and take up your rightful place. We need you!

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


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Human Design: Gate 26 - The Will Center