Redefining Productivity: Finding Balance and Thriving at Work

Okay, so maybe this graphic is a little tongue-in-cheek coming from me.

I'm not on the "be more productive" bandwagon. In fact, if you ask me, we all need to be DOING WAY LESS. The pace of work culture is unsustainable and it's harmful to us as humans and to the planet.

However, productivity, in an of itself, isn't the problem. Productivity helps us evolve. It's how we make progress. It's how we build the world we are dreaming of.

The question I am asking is how can we bring productivity into balance. I wonder how can we know when to be doing and when to be still. Is it possible to still make progress, build cool shit, and evolve in a positive direction even if we aren't constantly pushing forward on all fronts?

I believe so. I'm trying it out. And I've got a few suggestions so you can try it, too. As you look through this list, pay attention to what jumps out at you. That's a signal telling you where to explore.

Top 6 Everyday Productivity Hacks:

~ Respond: Don't push. Let things come to you. Laying the groundwork is an important part of the creation process, but there is a fine line between preparing and forcing. When we respond instead of push, things get easier.

~ Excitement: What about what you are doing excites you? What type of work lights you up? Create space for that. It will help fuel you to do the things you don't love so much. And it will feel good to you!

~ Collaboration: Share your work. Bring other people into the tasks. Trust your colleagues enough to give them a chance to help. Release control a little. You don't have to take it all on alone.

~ Gifts: Do you know your superpower? Do you know what you are really skilled at? Look for or create opportunities to use those gifts of yours. What comes naturally to you may not be as easy for someone else.

~ Naps: Yeah, I said it. Please lay down. Rest your mind and your body. We aren't designed to work at this pace under these conditions. You will be much more powerful and impactful when you are well-rested.

~ Creativity: When you are feeling blocked and out of ideas, or just mentally zapped, lean into creativity. Even doodling for a few minutes can bring you into a more positive mindset allowing for ideas to come in more easily.

Let's reframe and redefine productivity. Let's become more aware of how old ideas of productivity have created environments that harm people rather than help all of us thrive. Let's explore new ways and new definitions of being productive that honor us as humans as much as it honors the work.

P.S. I offer 1:1 coaching programs that are custom designed to help. Get started here!


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