Collective Pain & Sacred Rage

If we could ever come to believe in our interconnectedness with each other, with all species on the planet, and with the entire cosmos itself, we could change everything.

If you find yourself despairing over the absolute horrors humans are capable of, you aren't alone. If you've lost hope in our ability to create a peaceful world, I don't blame you.

For those of us attuned to the suffering of others, whether it's next door or thousands of miles away, these are incredibly challenging times.

The question is what is it calling you to do?

You may not be able to stop a genocide, but you can help ensure your neighbors are fed. You may not be able to end child slave labor, but you can help the children in your community thrive. You may not be able to change the most harmful aspects of capitalism, but you can be kind and compassionate to your co-workers.

Allow your righteous rage and grief to move you to action where you CAN have an impact.

If we believe that we really are connected, or even just act as if it's true, then what happens in each of our spheres of influence matters for everyone. As we interrupt suffering with compassionate action where we are, then suffering becomes less tolerable no matter where it happens.

So, feel the feelings and let them move you into action. It matters.

And take good care of yourself. That matters, too.

Yours in solidarity,


P.S. Post inspired by @Blackliturgies on Instagram.

P.P.S. The image below is of the Cosmic Web, which connects all galaxies to each other throughout the Universe. The bright spots are clusters of galaxies. The dark spots are dark matter. Image Credit: NASA

P.P.P.S. Explore our coaching programs and workshops here!


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