The Dead Mothers Club: Exploring Our Mom’s Chart
In honor of what would have been our mom’s 72nd birthday today (December 20), we sat down to imagine her Human Design chart. We didn't have her birthtime but didn't let that stop us! Using Genetic Matrix to guesstimate her time of birth, we explored her potential design, gates, and channels, reflecting on the stories we've heard about her since she passed when we were just 4 and 6 years old.
Finding Belonging
It doesn't matter who you are or what your social status is - all of us are seeking a sense of belonging in some way. I think this might be one of our collective core wounds.
Pod &Vodcast Corner
Check out our YouTube Channel, along with other podcasts we’ve been featured on!
Rewriting Your Story: Embracing Change with Human Design
The Human Design system is all about storytelling. The themes and archetypes in the chart have a broad range of interpretations and ways of being expressed. There are many ways to tell the story of the human experience, and all stories are important.