Your Dreams Will Show You the Way

Sometimes it feels like things will never change and the only way forward is to stay the course. It’s easy to understand why. Everywhere we look these days, we see problems. Massive, massive problems. Even if we think we know how to solve them, it’s really hard to see how we change any of it. 

This is true on an individual level, too. People are feeling unsatisfied, and in some cases, deeply uncomfortable in the life they’ve built for themselves. Much like our external problems, making a significant change in our own lives can feel too big to tackle. 

More than ever, we need a boost in courage to help us try something different. 

While I no longer subscribe to any type of urgency that pushes me to work more than is good and healthy for me, I do see an urgent need for massive, collective change. It is necessary if we want to survive. We are damn near out of time, friend. 

It’s my belief that the key to this shift towards a collective new way of being has to start on an individual level. That’s where you come in! 

The first step on the path of transformation is to uncover what it is you want for yourself. To allow yourself to dream about what is possible. To remove all of the restrictions you have on your ideas and desires, and dig deep to see what dreams live in your heart. 

Those dreams aren’t there for no reason. They exist to call you forward. 

It’s time to get quiet and really listen to yourself about your future and what type of experience you want to have. I can attest that plans don’t always work out like you envision, so focusing on how it feels rather than what it looks like serves to open up the possibilities. 

You may need to find a quiet place of solitude to do this introspective work. When we are constantly surrounded by others, it can be hard to tell what’s ours and what’s someone else’s - be it ideas, beliefs, moods, vibes, whatever. Do you have such a place where you can retreat that feels safe and comfortable for you? If so, spend some more time there. If not, create one. 

It’s okay to lean on others to help you get clear about what you want. You can’t possibly know it all, and hearing the wisdom and experience of trusted advisors can help you solidify your own inner knowing. But seeking the advice of others isn’t about supplanting your wisdom. It’s about finding your clarity.

It’s possible in the process of talking to others about what is possible for you, you will take on their beliefs as your own. It’s okay if what they have to say moves you away from or closer to a specific avenue. But never let it limit what you believe is possible for you. Listen to what resonates and leave the rest. 

Things are changing. What was is gone and what will be is still unknown. There’s a low level rumbling that’s shaking things up and making us feel unstable. I know you can feel it, too. We’ve been sitting in this discomfort for quite some time now. People are tired of it and looking for the exit. 

Your dreams for yourself can show you the way. 

Something better is possible for all of us. And you don’t have to earn your way to it. You deserve it simply because you exist. Do you believe that?

Yours in solidarity,


Yasmine Robles

With over 12 years of design experience, my passion lies in helping you attract dream clients. How? I take what makes you fab, mix it with strategy, and add a healthy spoonful of sarcasm. My go-to when not plotting my world domination? Tacos, tequila, and Latin dancing.

Finding Peace in the Now


Compassion Requires Action