Human Design: Trusting Your Body’s YES

Sometimes your YESes lead you into challenges that are difficult and uncomfortable.

In Human Design, we say that following Strategy and Authority is a better way to make decisions than using your logical thinking mind. That when you tap into your body's knowing, the answers you receive will be more reliable.

Early on in this experiment, I thought that the feeling of excitement and a HELL YES would mean the opportunities are correct for me and would turn out great. What I've found is that the former is true, but not necessarily the latter.

I had an opportunity that I was really excited about. It took time to get going so I had plenty of time to sleep on it (I have emotional authority) and I never changed my mind or felt any less excited. It was a YES, no doubt.

But when it actually got going, it was not at all what I was expecting. It didn't feel good and the situation brought up a lot of old work trauma that I clearly had not dealt with. Things like the fear of making mistakes, feeling unheard, feeling like I don't belong and I'm not good enough.

I wondered...had I misread my signals? Had I gotten it wrong? How could a YES be soooo bad???

When I really sat with it, I knew that the experience I had was exactly right for me. Even though it was hard and I was treated pretty terribly.

I learned a lot about myself through it. I learned that not everything is going to be sunshine and rainbows, no matter what you do. Hopefully listening to our body's intelligence brings us more ease, satisfaction, and joy. But our challenges serve a role in our growth as well.

Sometimes, we won't move or expand without some friction.

I come back to this experience often, because it was really transformative for me, despite the awfulness of it all. I can see the gifts I received through the challenges. That perspective allows me to view the people I interacted with with compassion rather than judgment and hard feelings, which is much healthier for me.

AND, trust me, I will not be doing that again! I won't be sticking around long enough to learn lessons when I'm not being valued and appreciated. That's something I learned, too.

So follow your body's YES and NO as often you can and release any attachment to how it's gonna go or turn out. We can't know. But if you can learn to trust yourself, you'll find the gifts even in tough situations.

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


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