The Future of Leadership: Embracing Compassion

The future of leadership is compassionate, heart-centered, and collaborative in nature. And it’s going to come from the bottom up.

It’s already happening. Employees want more flexibility, to feel seen and valued, to have a say in how their work gets done, and to feel on purpose, inspired and healthy in their job. They are looking for work environments that give them these things in a real and authentic way.

Leaders know it's happening, too. You can tell by the way they talk about the employee experience. The issue they face is cultivating a belief and trust that leading from the heart won’t tank the business. It takes courage and deep introspective work.

The good news is leaders have examples of this new way of leading, likely within their own organization.

The bad news is that heart-centered and compassionate leaders often avoid leadership positions due to values misalignment. Those that do take these roles face an enormous fight to have their perspectives adopted into the business model. Often, they are asked to conform or end up getting pushed out.

As climate change ramps up over the next 5 or so years, creating even more upheaval with major implications for our political, social, and economic systems, we will be forced to adapt.

The old way of doing business will be more and more difficult to sustain.

Those who are willing to make the shifts towards greater compassion and collaboration now will be more ready for what’s to come than those who resist.

This is the time we should be asking ourselves what kind of world we want to build and what kind of leadership will help us get there. What really matters to us?

P.S. Explore our coaching programs and workshops here!


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