Human Design: Discovering Your YES and NO

Today I want to talk about how you know your YES and NO when it comes to making decisions.

When I talk to folks about how they make decisions, the responses are usually a mix of deciding in the moment in a more spontaneous kind of way, or thinking about it for a while before deciding.

For most people, decisions are made in the head using logic and reasoning. Some are tapped into their gut feeling and will follow that sometimes. But for most, they are not tuned into their body's YES and NO. All the decisions happen above the neck, so to speak.

Human Design Authority is how the Human Design System reconnects us back to our body's knowing, which doesn't always match what our brain says is right for us. Human Design experts will say this is a more reliable way to make decisions. But, honestly, that's for each of us to figure out for ourselves. Because above all else, Human Design is meant to be lived. And we can't really know unless we try it (amiright Line 3 profiles??)

So each of the authorities brings us into our bodies. Even the "Self Authority," which finds clarity through hearing themselves speak about something, comes down to a body knowing. Authority recognizes and honors that our bodies have wisdom to share with us, and provides us with an alternate way to make decisions in our own best interests.

The tough part is whether or not you have the capacity to follow what your authority says is best for you. Often, especially in a work context, we are constrained by our work being directed by others. It would be great if you could say...ummmm HARD PASS when you want to say NO, but realistically, we often don't get to choose.

But I'd say the exercise is worth it any way. Because if you tune in, even when you really don't have a choice, you'll start to become aware of your body's internal signals. It will get easier to sense that YES and NO. And you will become more aware of how often you are saying YES when you mean NO and vice versa. I think that's important to know.

My advice for people when they are first starting to follow their authority is to make it super low risk. Use it to decide what to have for dinner, or what movie to see this weekend. And when you tune in and get the YES or NO, follow that guidance as often as you can.

We are constantly abandoning our own desires in favor of what others want, and this is a small way we can start to overwrite that pattern. But it has to feel safe to do so. And sometimes, the easiest, least scary decision is to ignore your knowing and follow the logic. Or say yes when you really want to say no. And that's perfectly okay! You'll get plenty more chances.

So tell me, how do you do with tuning into your body when you are making a decision. Are you aware of your YES and NO?

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


Human Design: Gate 55 - Spirit/Faith


Human Design: Aligning Work with Right Timing and Energy