Human Design 101: Generator Types

In today's lesson, we will discuss the two Human Design types that make up approximately 70% of the population: Generators and Manifesting Generators. At the core, Generators and Manifesting Generators are similar, with both having consistent access to energy to do the work of the world. For this reason, I will cover these two types together in this article.


Generators represent about 37% of the population. They are the builders of the things. They are here to show all of us how to sustain work and be masterful at it. It’s not about what the work is, it’s the process of work. 

Unlike Manifestors described in our last lesson, Generators have consistent access to work/life force energy. This means they can sustain work over the long term. They may not always be doing the same thing, but they are likely always doing something. However, Generators can also burn out if they are going too hard for too long. 

Generators can tap into their inner knowing through responding to “yes” or “no” questions. This knowing comes from the gut and may be contrary to what the brain thinks is right or wrong. The biggest challenge is learning to trust that feeling and following it. 

Manifesting Generators

Manifesting Generators are a combination of Manifestors and Generators and represent approximately 33% of the population. Manifesting Generators are designed to move ideas into form, to do the work of building, and sustain it over the long term. 

Like Generators, Manifesting Generators have consistent and reliable access to work/life force energy and can tap into an inner knowing. They, too, will be busy and in action a lot of the time. The difference is that Manifesting Generators work with a speed that’s unmatched by any other Human Design Types. They are designed to skip steps and cut corners to find the most efficient way from A to Z. They often do so without even realizing it.

(As a Man-Gen myself, you should be forewarned that despite my very best efforts, I won't catch all the typos in my writing :))

The Manifestor part of the Manifesting Generator design connects them to an internal non-verbal creative flow that must be followed. There is a strong desire to move forward on an idea as soon as it comes up, which can create a conflict with external obligations. 

Generator & Manifesting Generator Strategy

Each Human Design Type has a corresponding Strategy, or roadmap, that tells them how to best live in alignment with their type. Generators and Manifesting Generators share the same primary Strategy, which is to “wait to respond.” 

“Waiting to respond” means Generator types should pause before putting their brilliant ideas into action. They must wait for an external cue or clue to signal timing is right. This can be as direct as someone asking about the idea or something as mundane seeing something while doom scrolling that reminds them of it. This pause point helps Generators and Manifesting Generators to make sure they are spending their energy in the right place and at the right time. It’s one way Generators stay sustainable. 

Generator types tend to think that “waiting to respond” means they will be waiting forever, but once a Generator or Manifesting Generator starts watching, they will find the cues and clues come fast. Once the cue comes in, they will follow their Authority to determine whether to move forward. 

In addition to waiting for an external cue, Manifesting Generators should also inform those around them before they move forward with an idea. This helps eliminate interruptions and lets everyone around them know where they stand. 

Generator & Manifesting Generator Authority

Authority goes hand in hand with Strategy. Authority tells us what to act on when. It’s our body’s way of helping us to make decisions, big and small. There are different types of Authority for each type, which is determined by the Human Design Chart. 

Generator types may have Emotional Authority, which means that they have to sleep on it to decide the right course of action. They may have Sacral Authority, which is a gut level pulse that tells them Yes or No in the moment. For most Generators, the Sacral sounds like “Uh-huh” or “Uhn-uhn.” That Yes or No may not match what the brain says is the right thing to do, but it won’t steer you wrong. 

Generator Type Emotional Themes

The Emotional Theme for each type tells us whether we are operating in alignment with our design or not.  Generators and Manifesting Generators may experience frustration when they aren’t able to move forward on something or feel progress is stalled. The key is to think of frustration as momentum building and foster patience. Manifesting Generators may also experience anger, either their own or directed back at them. Anger is typically a sign that they have been interrupted while they are in the zone, likely because they forgot to inform before acting. 

The Power of Generators

Generators & Manifesting Generators play an important role in the human story. They are the builders and do the work of the world. They show us what it means to sustain work over the long term. But if Generators aren’t waiting to respond to new ideas and opportunities and following their authority to decide what to do when, they risk burning out. While Generators can do it all, they don’t have to. A much better and more sustainable way of being is to work only on what is resonate in the moment rather than always pushing forward on all fronts at the same time.

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


Human Design 101: Manifestors


Human Design 101: Orientation