Human Design: A New View of You

I’ve always been curious about my own operating system. I’ve wondered how the way I move in the world compares to other people. I've struggled to see myself the way others see me, and that's been painful at times.

My internal drive to know myself better led me to try out a number of personality assessment tools over the years. I could see aspects of myself in all of them, but none ever provided what I considered to be the full picture of me. 

One I took a few years back picked up on my “drive to completion” work style, but missed my compassionate and empathetic side. Another one I took recently brought my empathy front and center, and simultaneously told me I might have trouble completing my work. (What? No. Nope.) 

It actually makes perfect sense when you think about it. The personality assessment tools used daily in the corporate world all rely on your subjective answers to their questions. Some ask the same questions in multiple ways to gather the relevant data points. 

If you’re like me, these kinds of tests are challenging. It’s not so much a lack of self-awareness. It's having to boil down human complexity into a range of “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree." 

Maybe you’ve learned over time that it’s not okay to be who you are, and so your answers to the questions are skewed. Maybe the truth of you is fluid in nature and it’s hard to answer the questions presented in a consistent way. 

In the end, these assessments are based on how you see yourself. You are the person who gives the inputs for the algorithm. What comes back to you is a reflection of your own self-awareness.

Human Design eliminates that bias.

Human Design is a revolutionary personality assessment tool created in the 1980s by Ra Uru Hu. It has caught fire in the last few years, as more and more people experience how accurate, and transformational, the information contained in their design is. Rather than answering a series of questions, all you need is your date, time and location of birth. 

Is it somewhat “non-traditional''? Sure. But is it accurate AF? Yes, yes it is. 

What’s so powerful about Human Design is that it provides you with an opening to see yourself in a new, empowered way. It’s an unfiltered and objective view, but not one that cuts you down for being “different.” Rather, the insights gained can move you closer to radical self-acceptance. 

The chart, which is the output of the tool, shows you where you are powerful and how to maximize your impact. It also has the ability to soothe the sore spots - the characteristics or patterns of behavior that cause you pain. It gives you an avenue to explore where those come from and how to make them work for you. Sometimes that’s interrupting a pattern and sometimes it’s changing the story you tell yourself about it. 

Jill’s Human Design chart

"The information shared with me helped me understand that the things I do and the way I am isn’t me being crazy but me just being me. That was comforting and reaffirming."

Human Design has layers. You can choose to just scratch the surface or you can take a deep dive. Either way, it offers tremendous value. Here are just a few things you can get out of understanding your design: 

  • What work style is best for you

  • How to best make decisions

  • Which personality traits are your strengths

  • Insights into your purpose

  • Understanding ways to improve your relationships and communication

  • Trip wires that may keep you from living authentically

  • Awareness around repeating behaviors or patterns

I approach all of my Human Design assessment sessions with clients with an eye towards practicality. A significant part of my own unique design is about getting things started, putting in the work to build, and driving to completion. So, I want you to feel good, and unconditionally love and accept yourself, AND I also want you to be able to put the information into practice in your daily life.

"You have no idea how much you’ve helped me already in the short time we have been working together. It makes me want to cry I feel so much relief at finally feeling a little understood and like I am starting to understand myself a little better."

As humans, we are all on a path of growth. It’s the nature of life. And as we grow, we learn more about who we are and who we want to be. It is through this introspection that we have the opportunity to be more authentically ourselves. Everyone deserves to be supported in expressing their authentic self.

Human Design is your permission slip.

Yours in solidarity,

Jill  (6/2 Manifesting Generator)

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


Rewriting Your Story: Embracing Change with Human Design


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