Human Design 101: Projectors

Welcome back, everyone, to Human Design 101. Today’s article will talk about the next Human Design Type: Projectors. I don’t love the traditional name “Projectors” because the word has a somewhat negative connotation in our lexicon. In Quantum Human Design, which is the version I study, we use the name “Orchestrators.” It's a much more positive and affirming moniker, and more accurate if you ask me.


Of the 5 Human Design types, Projectors represent ~20% of the population and are here to guide humanity in the work of building the world. Projectors can see what is possible for us and provide their wisdom and leadership to help direct our work. 

Projectors have an innate sense about the potential of humanity, of individuals, and of ideas. Because of this, it’s natural for Projectors to want to tell people what to do and how to move forward. But if people are not open to receive that wisdom, Projectors may come across as controlling or “bossy.” 

It can be difficult for Projectors because they know exactly what needs to happen, but do not have consistent access to life/work force energy. This means they can show us how, but they aren’t here to do the work of building.

It’s not uncommon for Projectors to try to live life like Generators; our society puts a high value on hustling to achieve “success.” That may work for a time, but it’s not possible for Projectors to be on the grind long term without burning out, which can include experiencing physical ailments. They really aren’t designed for traditional 9-5 work.

Projector Strategy

Each Human Design Type has a corresponding Strategy, or roadmap, that tells them how to best live in alignment with their type. The Strategy for Projectors is to wait to be invited or recognized. 

Projectors are most impactful when they wait to be recognized or invited for the big things in life, like career, living arrangements, relationships, etc. While they are here to lead, they aren’t here to lead everyone. Waiting to be invited or recognized helps ensure Projectors are with the right people who are ready to hear their wisdom. 

Waiting to be invited doesn’t mean that Projectors can’t prepare or put themselves out there for new opportunities. In fact, the preparation process is important for all Human Design Types. What it means is that when it comes to making a new agreement, arrangement, or partnership, Projectors should let others make the first move. 

While Projectors don’t need to wait to be invited for the small things in life, they may find their advice or voice isn’t valued or is ignored. A hack to shift this dynamic is for Projectors to ask if they can share before they give their 2 cents. This small change in how they interact can make a big difference in how they are received by others. 

May I share my idea on this with you?

Projector Authority

Authority goes hand in hand with Strategy. Authority tells us what to act on when. It’s our body’s way of helping us to make decisions, big and small. There are different types of Authority for each type, which is determined by the Human Design Chart. 

Before a Projector accepts an invitation, they need clarity. Not all invitations are the right invitations. Authority helps clarify that. Projectors can have one of a number of different authorities: 

  • Emotional Authority: wait through an emotional cycle or sleep on it before making the decision

  • Splenic Authority: one time, gut level pulse that tells them Yes or No in the moment

  • Ego Authority: asks “what do I really want” - an internal assessment of desire

  • Self-Projected/Mental Authority: talk it out with a loved one who serves only as a sounding board to get clarity.

Projector Emotional Theme

The Emotional Theme for each type tells us whether we are operating in alignment with our design or not. Projectors can experience bitterness when not living in alignment with their design. Bitterness can arise if they are feeling depleted because they are trying to initiate or are not taking time to pause and rest. They may also experience bitterness if they are lacking in self-worth or aren’t feeling seen and heard by those around them. Projectors must work to cultivate patience while waiting for the right invitation and should make sure the “waiting” is as restorative as possible. 

The Power of Projectors

I can’t stress enough how much I LOVE the Projectors in my life. My dad and two of my closest friends are Projectors. Projectors are here to guide and lead all of us to a better future. They know innately what is our highest potential, individually and collectively. Sometimes that’s a standard that’s hard to achieve. But their wisdom is not for anything other than our betterment. When a Projector finds their people, they effortlessly move into a leadership role within the group. That’s where they will be most impactful. 

Because Projectors are in search of their people, they often kiss a lot of frogs before they find them. They may be devalued by others, ignored, have their ideas stolen, be called controlling or bossy. It can be really hurtful.

So next time you experience someone chiming in on what you should do and how you should do it and you feel yourself getting annoyed by it, pause and consider that maybe they just want what's best for everyone involved. Then let that knowing dictate how you respond. You don’t have to take their advice, but please be kind to them. 

Coming up in our next lesson, we will finish up the Human Design Types and talk about the “Unicorn” in Human Design - the Reflector. Reflectors represent about 1% of the total population. A rarity indeed! 

Yours in solidarity,


P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!

Yasmine Robles

With over 12 years of design experience, my passion lies in helping you attract dream clients. How? I take what makes you fab, mix it with strategy, and add a healthy spoonful of sarcasm. My go-to when not plotting my world domination? Tacos, tequila, and Latin dancing.

A Message for Burned Out Workers


Human Design 101: Manifestors