Human Design: Gate 6 - Friction

Gate 6, the Gate of Friction, or in Quantum Human Design™, The Gate of Impact. Gate 6 is an emotional and penetrating energy and it impacts all who encounter it. It gives us the energy of conflict and friction as a means for growth. Sometimes that conflict means going to battle in defense of loved ones, but one must wait for clarity before engaging to best serve all involved. Through interpersonal tension, right relationships can be formed and intimacy and deepened connection is possible. Dialing into the emotional energy of peace through conflict allows for resolutions that enhance the wellbeing of all.

🌕 Do I wait for clarity before engaging in conflict?
🌕How can conflict benefit my growth and the growth of others?
🌕How might friction and tension in my relationships allow for greater intimacy and connection?
🌕Am I using conflict as a means of avoiding intimacy?

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


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