Human Design: Gate 41 - Fantasy

Gate 41 - the Gate of Fantasy, or the Gate of Imagination in Quantum Human Design™. Gate 41 supports our ability to dream up new ways of doing and being and to hold onto the vision until timing is right to share and/or bring the idea into form.

Give yourself permission to dream about what's possible for you, and for all of us. Set aside all the reasons why it won't work, just for now. Remaining grounded is important, as that's how we manifest the vision, but let your mind wander and feed your creativity.

If you find yourself fixating on doomsday scenarios, step out of it for a second and remind yourself that it's just the energy of Gate 41. See if you can flip it to the higher expression - dreams of abundance, vitality, security, love, and ease.

Happy daydreaming!

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


Human Design: Gate 6 - Friction


Human Design: Gate 19 - Wanting