Human Design: Gate 2 -Allowing & Authenticity

Primer: Gate 2 in the Human Design chart: The Gate of Allowing

Gate 2 brings the energy of being supported in fulfillment of your authentic expression. If you have this gate defined (colored in), you may know this energy. If you have it open (white), this transit will bring these themes to the surface for you.

What would you need in order to believe that you will be supported if you show up as your authentic self?

Some of us have an easier time showing up authentically, but all of us experience times or situations where our authentic expression feels unwelcome. No matter how well-liked or popular someone may be, they, too, will face times where they question their own belonging.

It’s a completely normal experience to feel like you can’t really be who you are, especially in a work setting. We are conditioned to believe we have to be a certain type of way to be successful. But truthfully, no one meets all of the criteria of this constructed person in our collective imagination.

And you aren’t here to be someone else. You are here to be YOU. It takes trust to believe that when we are the person we came to be, we will be supported rather than cast out.

So this week, I invite you to consider:

🌞 What it would take for you to feel comfortable letting your authenticity come to the surface, even just a little more?

🌞 What is your biggest fear around showing up as the whole person you are?

🌞 Are you willing to allow yourself to receive the love and support flowing to you?

Wearing a mask to make others (and sometimes ourselves) more comfortable is a strategy that can serve us for a time. But eventually, it gets exhausting. It takes more energy to be someone you aren’t than to show up as you.

Trust yourself, trust your gifts, and shine bright. Be the STAR of your own show!

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


Human Design: Gate 5 - Patterns


Human Design: Gate 6 - Friction