Human Design - Gate 33: Retelling

Empowered Perspectives!

No matter how great life may be, all of us experience difficult times now and then. And some of us have more struggles than others.

After we've endured a hard experience, we're left with the story of it. And it's up to us if and how we choose to share that story. We get to decide what perspective we take when we share it.

This contemplation asks you to consider what stories you are telling about the difficulties you've been through.

✍ If you're the victim in your story, how is that perspective serving you right now?

✍ How would retelling of the story change if you apply an empowered perspective?

✍ Are you able to find power in the pain that the experience brought you?

✍ Which stories could you share to uplift, empower, and give direction to others?

There is no wrong answer here. Everything serves until it doesn't.

This contemplation is asking you to find some quietude and reflect on which stories you tell, to yourself or others, how you tell those stories, and how that version of the story affects you today.

Are the stories you tell empowering or disempowering you and others?

Gate 33 in the Human Design chart offers us the ability to discern which stories to share, which to keep private, and which ones to let go. This energy also gives us the power to rewrite our narratives in a way that uplifts and gives direction.


Human Design - Gate 4: Possibilities


Human Design: Discovering Your Purpose via Your Line Profile