Human Design - Gate 4: Possibilities

Possibility Thinking….

"Nothing happens in the "real" world unless it first happens in the images in our heads." - Gloria Anzaldua

One of the most important aspects of the creation process is possibility thinking. We need our imaginations in order to find new ways of doing and being.

Often though, we discount our imaginations.

We analyze our ideas with our logical minds and make decisions about whether it's possible. Self-doubt or even doubt by others can derail us before we start.

And if you've had enough experiences where what you imagined is not what you get IRL, then you might not let yourself daydream about how great something could be for you.

Shutting off our imaginations is the worst thing we can do, especially now, when we need as many inspired ideas as possible in order to confront what we're facing at this moment in history.

💡 What do you need to allow your imagination to flourish?
💡 How are you closing off your imagination?
💡 What ideas do you have that need space to grow?

Remember, all ideas are just ideas. They are seeds for possible futures and potential outcomes. They aren't the answer, they are a possible answer.

When you are engaging your imagination, don't talk yourself out of it.

Instead, go deeper. Allow the ideas to be felt in your body.

Hold them loosely so they can take on a life of their own. And perhaps, what you end up with will be even better than what you imagined.

P.S. This post is brought to you by the Sun 🌞 , which is currently transiting Gate 4 in the Human Design chart. If you have this defined (colored in) then you experience this energy consistently. If you don't, then you will experience the theme this week courtesy of the Sun.

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


Finding Your Power


Human Design - Gate 33: Retelling