Ready To Bounce?

Are you officially done dealing with a terrible work situation and ready to bounce?

Do you want to find a new position that capitalizes on all the talents you have to offer and feels more meaningful and satisfying?


That’s great news! There is something else out there that will fit you better than what you have now.

Making the choice to leave a job that’s familiar takes courage. Even if you don’t like what you are doing now, at least you know what to expect, right? Worry and fear of the unknown can stop us from moving forward. You may wonder what happens if the new job is no better than the old job? It’s like the line from that old song by The Who…“Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

Your concern is totally valid. AND, we have something that will ease your mind and help you find a much better fit for you! We’re excited to share We’ve developed a new and innovative way to assess new job opportunities! Introducing…

The Bounce Analysis

In the Soul Aligned Sisters Bounce Analysis, we will use your Human Design chart to identify what type of work environment and characteristics will be the best fit for you. This includes information about your most natural way of working, your talents and skills, and any work environments or responsibilities to steer clear of. In addition, we will provide an analysis of up to 3 job postings you are considering, highlighting for you how the positions may, or may not, be a good match. 

The Bounce Analysis will give you:  

  • A new perspective on what type of roles or company would work for you

  • Increased confidence in your unique skills and abilities, thereby making the interview process less stressful

  • Detailed questions to get to the heart of whether the new role will be a good fit for you

  • The chance to level the interview playing field so you are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you

  • The opportunity to have a more authentic and personal conversation with the prospective company

  • Being burned out and looking for a new job to get out of burnout is extremely difficult. Jill helped analyze a potential opportunity and provided very honest feedback on whether I was heading in the right direction for what I needed in a position. The questions and research she provided touched on so many things that are very important to me but I would never think to ask from the fog of burnout. Having someone look out for my best interest and provide guidance on what I needed in order to be happy in a job was exactly what I needed and I cannot be more pleased with the results.

    A Bounce Analysis Client

  • I’m absolutely in awe of how you are able to tap into things I have been unable to put my finger on. The ideal [job] characteristics are spot on and the interview questions are really solid to get to those characteristics.

    A Bounce Analysis Client

When you sign up for the Bounce Analysis, you’ll get a report with: 

  1. Ideal job characteristics that are specific to you

  2. An analysis of up to 3 job description/posting 

  3. A series of sample interview questions to use during interviews

Price: $99

If you need a little more support, book the Bounce Analysis plus a 30 minute consultation to discuss the report in more detail. 

Price: $165

We’d love to help you BOUNCE towards a job that’s more right for you.

Searching for and securing a new job is tough. Finally deciding you are ready to move on from a job is a challenge in and of itself. Engaging in the job search and interview process can be difficult and time consuming. And it’s much harder when you’re burned out. The Bounce Analysis takes some of that weight off of your shoulders. All you need to do is send over your birth information (Date, Time, Location) and 1-3 job postings and we will do the rest! 

You deserve to be in work that feels good to you. You deserve to be honored for the gifts you have to share with the world. When you are happy and healthy, the people around you will be happier and healthier, too. The first step to finding the right work is getting clear on what it is you want for yourself. The Bounce Analysis will serve as your guide.

Happy Job Hunting