Human Design: Gate 13 - The Listener

Gate 13, the Gate of the Listener, or in Quantum Human Design™, the Gate of Narrative. When someone has this gate defined in their chart, they can find themselves in the position of confidant. They receive and catalog the stories of the past from others so that they can share the wisdom gained from the experiences when the time is right, for the betterment of all.

In light of this energy, think about:

🌈 How can I shift the narrative I have about my life experience in a way that empowers me?
🌈In what ways have I internalized stories others have shared with me that don't serve my highest and most authentic expression?
🌈Am I ready to forgive myself for mistakes I've made when learning when to hold and when to share stories of others?

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


Human Design: Gate 19 - Wanting


Human Design: Gate 30 - Feelings