Human Design Energy Centers

When you are ready to start diving deeper into your Human Design chart, the place to start is the energy centers.

There are 9 centers in Human Design, which are connected to the 7 main chakras in the Hindu Chakra system. In Human Design, we moved from 7 centers to 9 centers in the late 1700s; the Heart Center split into the Identity/G and the Will Center, and the Solar Plexus split into the Spleen Center and the Emotional Solar Plexus.

Whether the centers are defined (colored in) or open/undefined (white) determines how you experience the energy theme of the center. Each center has it's own energy themes. Center definition also has an impact on your Type and Authority.

When the center is defined, you experience your own energy there in a more consistent and reliable way. When it's open/undefined, you experience the energy of the world around you in a more variable way.

The defined centers are what we are here to share with the world. The open centers are where we are pulling energy in and amplifying it. Open centers can be where we are more susceptible to conditioning, but they are also where we gain wisdom about the human experience.

If you are ready to look into your center definition, start with the open centers and the shadow themes that come with them. It's very illuminating!

P.S. We’d love to share your human design with you! Order your FREE chart OR book a reading here!


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